about us / kdwa info
Please view AirNav, FlyingDataBase, or AF/D for details about Yolo County Airport (KDWA) and approach plate downloads.
Runway 16/34 - 6000x100 ft; Class G sfc to 700ft
LEFT traffic Runway 34 / RIGHT traffic Runway 16
Skydiving activity EAST of airfield; contact FSS for current NOTAM
AWOS-3: 125.775 (HERE for current conditions or phone: 530-750-2759)
CTAF: 123.0
Travis Approach: 126.6 / IFR release (Oakland): 800-272-0128
Airport Owner: Yolo County; contact 530-666-8125 or 666-8114
Runway 16/34 - 6000x100 ft; Class G sfc to 700ft
LEFT traffic Runway 34 / RIGHT traffic Runway 16
Skydiving activity EAST of airfield; contact FSS for current NOTAM
AWOS-3: 125.775 (HERE for current conditions or phone: 530-750-2759)
CTAF: 123.0
Travis Approach: 126.6 / IFR release (Oakland): 800-272-0128
Airport Owner: Yolo County; contact 530-666-8125 or 666-8114